Limited Time!! Please share this information with everyone NOW!!
Limited Time!! Please share this information with everyone NOW!!
BACKGROUND: After finding out that events such as the Sri Lanka Tsunami, and the London tunnel bombings were directly connected to my life, along with non stop presence of abuse, torture and warfare, I researched and found out about the existence of the International Criminal Court. I wrote them a letter in September 2007, and got a response stating they filed a case on my behalf. The letter dated September 23, 2007.
KONTEKS: Apre mwen fin reyalize ke evènman tankou Tsunami Sri Lanka a, avèk bonbademan tinèl Lond yo te an rapò dirèk avèk lavi mwen, ansanm avèk abi san pran souf, pèsekisyon avèk lagè, mwen fè rechèh epi mwen dekouvri egzistans Tribinal Penal Entènasyonal la. Mwen te ekri Tribinal Kriminèl Entènasyonal la yon lèt. Yo reponn di m 'yo te ranpli yon ka sou non mwen. Lèt la date 23 septanm 2007.
Please share the information below with any Government authority, friends and family members, and raise your voices.
Genocide needs to be confronted publically as genocide instead of as a natural disaster.
Investigations on genocide need to be publically announced and publicly confronted so more people can be aware and support it, bringing quick results instead of years of cover up and pain for the victims.
Silvouplè pataje enfòmasyon ki anba a avèk nenpòt otorite Gouvènman, zanmi avèk manm fanmi ou, epi fè tande vwa ou.
Yo dwe konfwonte Jenosid piblikman tankou Jenosid et non tankou katastwòf natirèl.
Yo dwe anonse ankèt sou Jenosid yo piblikman epi konfwonte yo piblikman yon fason pou plis moun kapab okouran epi bay sipò pa yo, pou aboutisman a vrè rezilta olye plizyè ane pase nan disimilasyon e pwolonjman soufrans viktim yo. Jenosid Gouvènman Gouvènman Sekrè education
Timeline of events after the case was filed:
Winter 2007: I moved back to Europe, cause stay in America was unbearable.
Spring 2008: I return back to America, after no success and no communication from the ICC or any Government of Macedonia, while I received a e-mail stamped from the European Union that they are working on my case.
Spring 2009: Obama paid off 4 trillion dollars.
Spring 2009: Disappointed from Government corruption I decided to move back to Europe to try to renounce my USA citizenship.
January 2010: Haiti quakes with estimates of 250,000 lives lost, during my 2nd attempt to renounce my USA citizenship, once again with direct connections to my life.
March 2011: Japan quakes with over 15,000 dead during my 3rd attempt to renounce my USA citizenship.
Fall 2013: Returned to the USA, and renounced my Macedonian citizenship due to Government corruption and no help.
Many more smaller incidents have occurred during the years not listed here.
Kwonoloji evènman yo apre ke dosye a depoze:
Ivè 2007: Mwen te retounen an Ewòp, paske rete an Amerik te vin ensipòtab.
Prentan 2008: Mwen te retounen an Amerik, aprè zewo siksè epi zewo kominkasyon avèk ICC oubyen gouvènman Masedwàn nan, alòske mwen te resevwa yon e-mail ki genyen so Inyon Ewopeyèn nan kote ke yo di mwen ke yo ap travay sou ka mwen an.
Prentan 2009: Obama te peye 4 trilyon dola.
Prentan 2009: Apre ke kòripsyon Gouvènman an desevwa mwen, mwen desisde retounen an Ewòp pou mwen eseye renonse a stati sitewayen Ameriken mwen an.
Janvye 2010: Tranbleman de tè Ayiti kote yo estime ke 250,000 moun pèdi lavi yo, pandan dezyèm esè pou mwen renonse a stati sitwayen Ameriken mwen an, yon lòt fwa ankò an rapò dirèk ak lavi mwen.
Mas 2011: Tranbleman de tè Japon ke yo estime ki fè plis pase 15,000 mò pandan twazyèm esè pou mwen renonse a stati sitwayen ameriken mwen an.
Otòn 2013: Mwen te retounen USA, epi mwen te renonse a stati stwanyen Masedwàn mwen an akòz kòripsyon nan gouvènman an epi mwen pa jwen okenn èd.
Anpil lòt ti ensidan ki pi piti te pase pandan ane yo ke mwen pa mansyone la a.
Preview of Government Secret Code documentary, in this video Goranco Petrovski breaks down codes from the beginning of Government History as well as recent events
Goranco Petrovski, the number 1 victim of crime in the world, reveals the beginning of the bible and connections of easy explanation to the modern world. The codes for Cain and Abel, meaning of Atom and Evolution to Adam and Eve
Boss Money, Closer To Em
Boss Money, Closer To Em (mp3)
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